The government has developed an Action Plan for 2024-2030 to implement the Concept of Kazakhstan’s transition to a “green economy”
An Action Plan for the implementation of the Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s transition to a “green economy” for 2024–2030 has been published on the website of open legal acts. This plan is aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and includes 21 indicators in 9 economic sectors.

Main directions of the Plan:

1. *Waste management*: Indicators have been introduced to monitor waste management, taking into account the current situation in the regions.
2. *Reducing air pollution*: Creation of new indicators and activities that meet the requirements of state planning, sustainable development goals and WHO standards.
3. *Conservation and effective management of ecosystems*: Increasing the share of protected natural areas important for biodiversity from 10.5% to 17.5% by 2050.
4. *Sustainable Agriculture*: Increasing the area of ​​agricultural land certified for organic production by 2.5 times, increasing labor productivity by 3 times every 10 years, and increasing wheat yields to 25 kg/ha by 2050.
5. *Development of the electricity sector*: Introduction of key indicators such as “Increasing the share of renewable energy sources” and “Transition from coal-fired power generation or mandatory carbon capture and storage” to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.
6. *Sustainable use of water resources*: Indicators have been identified for increasing reservoirs with good water quality, increasing the share of introduction of water-saving technologies and purifying anthropogenic waters up to 100%.
7. *Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency*: It is proposed to reduce the energy intensity of GDP from the 2021 level by 35% by 2050, which will improve Kazakhstan’s position in the world ranking of economic energy intensity.
8. *Environmental culture and business responsibility*: Disclosure of environmental information within the framework of ESG and a gradual increase in public participation in water management.
9. *Green financing*: Increasing the share of green loans and green bonds.

Discussion of the Plan continues, and its implementation will be an important step towards sustainable development and improvement of the environmental situation in Kazakhstan. Active participation and support of the public, business and government agencies will help achieve our goals and make a significant contribution to the transition to a green economy.