Strategic decisions
implemented by NCIP team members

  • The principles of the “presumption of good faith of entrepreneurs” of the “transition period” have been introduced

    The Unified Reporting Day of Control and Supervisory Bodies to the Business Community, the Institute of Random Inspections and Alternatives to Inspections have been introduced

    General government bodies have been structured and established and checklists have been approved

    An audit of all legislative and by-laws was carried out, as a result of which a List of 481 information tools was formed
  • A barrier has been provided against new regulatory measures by government agencies related to excessive workload and unreasonable interference in business activities

    A public reception for business was launched to promote openness on the part of the state and business trust in government authorities

    Legislative amendments were developed and approved providing for the introduction of a new format for the provision of public services for business
  • A subnational rating “Doing Business” was introduced with the participation of World Bank experts in Kazakhstan

    Reforms have been carried out in the areas of the licensing system, state control and supervision, to reduce business reporting, and limit unjustified interference in business activities

    A rational permitting system has been built, based on the principles of ensuring the safety of citizens and the interests of the state with minimal burden on business

    Measures have been taken to simplify procedures for issuing licenses and permits, including through the consolidation of services

    An analysis of the Entrepreneurial, Tax and Customs Codes was carried out regarding the relevance and effectiveness of existing measures to support entrepreneurship
  • The basic principles of business self-regulation have been defined and conditions have been created to regulate themselves without government intervention

    An institute of preventive control has been introduced to replace random inspections

    The institution of random checks and alternatives to checks has been introduced

    All government services and government support measures for businesses were analyzed, their business processes were optimized and automated

    A “Joint order on some issues regarding the launch of the pilot project “Government for Business” was developed and subsequently signed.

    Organizational work was carried out to coordinate the launch of large projects at the republican level

National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

be proud of your contribution to the development of the economy of Kazakhstan and

approaches its obligations responsibly

  • Legislative amendments have been developed in the field of construction and construction and installation work
  • Legislative amendments have been developed in the field of sanitary and epidemiological audit to regulate the activities of SROs
  • Procedures for analyzing the regulatory impact were carried out as an alternative to the introduction of self-regulation based on compulsory membership (participation), which were subsequently supported by the Intergovernmental Commission under the Government
  • Accreditation was received for Associations in the Expert Councils of government bodies and scientific and industrial enterprises
  • More than 100 internal documents have been developed for self-regulatory organizations (rules and standards, models of activity control systems, codes of corporate ethics, etc.)
  • Work has been carried out to obtain the status of a self-regulatory organization and the corresponding extract from the authorized body on the inclusion of the Association in the register of self-regulatory organizations