Kazakhstan Construction Industry Forum "Building Code - Construction of the Future"

The National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, jointly with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Construction Industry Association, held the Forum.

On October 27, the Kazakhstan Forum of the construction industry “Building Code - Construction of the Future” was held in the capital, where our company, along with the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Association of the Construction Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan acted as organizers. The forum was also attended by leading specialists and experts in the construction industry, representatives of government agencies and regulators, as well as leading developers and manufacturers of building materials.

The key topic of the forum was “New Code – New Opportunities. The Minister of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kanat Sharlapaev, emphasized the importance of developing the Construction Code as a key legislative document influencing the construction industry and its future development.

After this, a panel discussion was held, which included experts such as Stambekov Erlan Dauletovich, deputy of the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karagoishin Timur Dzhienbaevich, vice-minister of industry and construction, Manzhanova Irina Rihardovna, chairman of the construction and housing and communal services committee of NPP Atameken, Rakhimov Darkhan Samarhanovich, BI Construction & Engineering.

One of the main speakers and concurrently the General Director of the Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Construction and Architecture JSC Begman Kulbaev made the main report on the code development project, and also answered all the questions of entrepreneurs and construction workers. During the forum, issues of development of the construction field and their future, as well as potential solutions to problems were discussed. The main principles of the construction code were outlined: creating a more attractive legal space for investors, guaranteeing the rights and opportunities for public participation in urban planning activities and ensuring the freedom of such participation, protecting consumer rights from unscrupulous developers, as well as clear and precise responsibility of all members of the construction. After lunch, all participants could visit three discussion platforms: “From contract to commissioning: problems at the construction and installation stages”, “Design and examination in construction: Processes and Requirements” and “Reconciliation of construction contract forms with FIDIC elements”.

Within the framework of one of the expert platforms, NCIE concluded a memorandum of further cooperation with the National Committee of the World Road Association “PIARC” and the Kazakhstan National Association of Professional Engineers and Consultants. Our forum was a discussion platform for more than 100 people and was a new stage in the discussion of the code for business experts and government officials from various organizations, which proved its success, and most importantly, its necessity.

We are convinced that the positive experience of countries near and far abroad, as well as new forms of regulation that take into account the peculiarities of design in seismic zones, information support and much more, will help create a project that will make the lives of our citizens better.

The huge interest in the event from visitors and forum participants proves: the construction industry today needs innovation more than ever - and in the near future the demand for it will only grow.

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