Commercialization of science
One of the important areas of our company is the commercialization of science
According to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2015, the law “On the Commercialization of Science”, our organization falls under several points at once:
We are a business organization operating on a B2B (business to business) principle, and also have the right to engage in scientific activities and commercialize them.

What is commercialization of science?
This is the creation of a business that is based on the results of scientific and technical research, most often with the participation of the authors of these developments themselves. Commercialization is often seen as a process of attracting investment for further development of scientific research.

Why is it necessary to commercialize science?
Public benefit
Spanning areas such as health, environment, well-being, education, industrial applications and just everyday life, innovations arising from scientific research are most effective when they are in the hands of those who can benefit most from them.

The economic growth
Bringing innovations to market through commercialization also provides economic benefits. Whether it's licensing technology to other companies or developing new startups, commercialization generates new revenue and creates jobs locally, regionally, and potentially around the world.
Industry partnership
Commercialization provides the opportunity to interact with industry partners, investors and other businesses. Such partnerships may lead to additional sources of funding for further university research. The company can generate revenue that can be reinvested in research, cover commercialization costs, and fund entrepreneurial development.

Bringing together academia and industry can lead to increased business sector knowledge, career opportunities, and investor relations.
Our services
What we can offer:
Potential Analysis: Our team of scientific experts will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your scientific developments, identifying their potential for commercialization. We will provide you with an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your project.
Technology Transfer Support: We will help you transfer scientific knowledge from academia to industry. Our experience in technology transfer will allow you to effectively adapt your science to market needs.
Search for partners and investors: We cooperate with a wide network of potential partners and investors interested in innovative scientific projects. We will help you find suitable partners and attract the necessary funding for your project.
Training and Consulting: We offer training programs and consultations on the commercialization of scientific developments. Our goal is to help you acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully commercialize your science.
We will offer optimal
solutions to your problems
Kazakhstan, Astana, Kunaeva 12/2, office 41